IV vitamin infusions


    We are happy to customize a treatment to fit your specifications and achieve your health goals.

    We understand that making the decision on your own can be confusing. Schedule a 30 minute consultation with one of our medical professionals to answer your questions and to set up a customized treatment plan for you. If you have IV Therapy treatment in the same visit, the consultation fee will be waived. $50

    Additional vitamins can be added to any IV therapy

    *Package pricing available

    *Mobile services available at your location of choice for an additional fee of $125

  • The Hydrator

    Perfect combination for anyone who is jet lag, needs rehydration, low blood pressure, chronic headaches, food poisoning, or after a day in the sun. This combination of fluid filled with electrolytes replenish the body. IV Hydration bypasses the gut & provides 100% absorption of the fluid and electrolytes to the cells that need it the most. Resulting in immediate relief from dehydration. The perfect hangover cure.


    $135 (+ Ascorbic Acid & Mineral Blend)

  • Immunity Boost

    Boost your immune system with nutrients to help fight infections. Includes a blend of vitamins and antioxidants that can help nourish your body and supercharge your immune system to fight off an immune invader. This drip is infused with Ascorbic Vitamin C, Glutathione & Zinc. It also includes Amino Acids, Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine & Citrulline as well as B Complex vitamins. The perfect solution for cold and flu season or pre-travel boost.


  • Myers Cocktail

    This popular formula consists of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to assist with inflammation, energy, and muscle aches. Vitamin C to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and reduce stress. A blend of B vitamins to assist with energy and mood. This IV blend is based off the Meyers cocktail that originated in the 1950’s. Magnesium, Dexpanthenol, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Niacinamide & Calium Gluconate are included in this “cocktail”. Meyers is to help a wide variety of aliments that provides relief of inflammation, pain, sinus congestion, vitamin deficiencies, malabsorption issues, seasonal issues and more!


  • The Energizer

    Vitamin B-12, Thiamine, Niacinamide, Riboflavin, Dexpanthenol & Pyridoxine are essential B vitamins. Low B vitamin levels can cause symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and fatigue. This drip also includes Amino Acids, Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine & Citrulline. Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins. This treatment can help boost energy, metabolism, and weight loss to support a busy and active lifestyle.


  • Muscle Recovery & Performance

    Reduces inflammation and pain naturally with hydrating fluids and vitamins. Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C assists with inflammation. Mineral Blend & Amino Blends will decrease pain, and relief in sore muscles. A blend of B Complex vitamins to reduce inflammation, along with decreasing anxiety and improving overall bodily function.


  • Diet and Detox

    This IV blend will help you drop those unwanted pounds by boosting your energy. This IV drip contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids known to boost metabolism and assist with weight loss. This combination works best by with diet and exercise, boosting your energy, increasing metabolism, curbing cravings, and converting that excess fat.


  • The Luminary Skin Enhancer

    Key Ingredients to this enhancement is Ascorbic Vitamin C which will help boost collagen production, fight free radicals and oxidative damage. Also, high doses of B Complex vitamins, known to detoxify cells, fade sun spots, increase energy levels and support essential functions within the body. Biotin gives the skin a natural healthy glow and to support nail, skin and hair health. Hydroxocobalamin to draw in fluid retention to the cells and skin.


  • NAD+ Antiaging

    NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is an essential coenzyme found in every cell of your body. NAD and NAD+ occur naturally in your body. NAD participates in over 100 metabolic functions, including gene expression, DNA repair, regulation of cellular metabolism and energy production.

    $200+ (must consult)


    Vitamin C- $30

    Glutathione- $40

    Magnesium- $25

    Biotin- $40

    B Complex- $40

    Anti-nausea Medication- $20

    Anti-inflammatory Medication- $20 -$40


    Vitamin B12 Injection- $25

    MICC B12-$45

    Glutathione- $40

    Vitamin D- $30